Thursday 8 December 2016

Self Awareness. What is it? And How Can I Get It?

   Hello folks! Today, I'm doing a blog post about self awareness. Self awareness is having a very perceptive consciousness into what your mind and body are telling you. Your mind and body tell you things, and you're suppose to listen. It's actually the pinnacle of self preservation. Your mind and body say "We've had enough" and YOU LISTEN. haha. However, sometimes your mind and body can send confusing messages. These messages can include but are not limited to "You're not good enough", "you're a failure", "you're not hungry", or even "you are hungry" when you just ate. It is important that you don't listen to those messages as it can mess with your mental health well being, and your physical health. It is very important to be in tune with what your mind and body needs, especially as an ADHDer. It is pivotal to the strategies I give you if they're going to be effective.
   Self Awareness begins with research into what is going on in your body when you're experiencing these ADHD challenges. If you know what is happening to your mind and body, and how all the little chemicals are working, it's easier to remind yourself that this is what's going on so I'm not going to panic. Just go with the flow honestly. If you can't focus on something, leave and come back to it after you've had a bit of time to think about it, or think about something completely different. Also, if you're aware of what is going on, then you can easily decide what strategy you're going to use to cope in that moment. So, I'm going to explain the biological process of ADHD and hopefully you will gain a little insight and it will help you become more self aware than you are right now.

   Supplies you will need but likely already have: Oxygen, blood, a brain, dopamine transmitters, a synapse in the frontal lobes. I think those are all the supplies ;)

1) There is not enough oxygen getting to the frontal lobes of the brain through the blood stream.
2) This creates very slow production of dopamine transmitters
3) In turn, there is not enough dopamine created to efficiently move through the synapse.
4) The dopamine overcompensates for lack of itself and it becomes "hyperactive" to try and get those little messages across.
5) This is why we get so much anxiety. Our thoughts and little brain messages are being transmitted ineffectively fast.

When I was once trying to educate someone on being successful and overcoming challenges by learning everything they can about ADHD and doing lots of research, I was told "Well, if it were that easy....". Guess what? It IS that easy. But not everything that simple happens quickly. It took me years to learn everything. I went to seminars with Dr. Umesh Jain. I did projects on it at school, and so forth. When this clicks "Oh my god, so THAT'S why I do that, or think, or feel that way". You will then have become a lot more self aware than you were a few minutes ago. The strategy to become more self aware, is to learn everything you possibly can about ADHD and the challenges associated with it. That makes pinpointing what your mind and body is telling you much easier to do. It provides much clarity and it feels like a fog just dissipates. You will thank yourself for all your determination to overcome your challenges. It won't happen overnight, but self awareness is how I got to where I'm at today :) Have a great night everyone, and thanks for reading!


Your Neighbourhood Shiny


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